The Forum Automobile Européen de Lille (FEAL): The future of automotive in Europe
Every other year since 2013, ARIA (the Regional Association of Automobile Industrialists) organises an event with an international dimension: FEAL.
The event features automotive experts like Didier Leroy, then Executive Vice President and Chief Competitive Officer for Toyota Motor Corporation (First forum), taking part in conferences and workshops.
With one aim: to anticipate changes in the industry. This high-class event (attended by around 300 people) raises the profile of the Hauts-de-France region internationally.
It provides an opportunity for all those involved in the sector to meet in the same place:
- manufacturers
- subcontractors
- startups,
- clusters,
- institutions,
- associations,
- research centres
Don’t miss the next FEAL forum which takes place on November 25-26 2020. Due to the current sanitary conditions, the event is postponed to the first half of 2021.
To find out more, read our article on the 2018 forum.