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4 specific cases:
  • Foreign companies in all sectors looking to expand in Hauts-de-France
  • French companies with no site in Hauts-de-France
  • Hauts-de-France companies with a succession plan
  • Foreign-owned companies in Hauts-de-France with a development project
Our services are not intended for :
  • French or international self-employed entrepreneurs
  • French companies wishing to export
  • International companies seeking distribution networks only

Why as the help of Nord France Invest?

Nord France Invest provides you with completely tailored, free of charge and confidential support. We centralize all the information you need to analyze your project. We facilitate your process to find a site, partners or land. We organize site visits. We accelerate your networking with future regional partners. Find out more about the agency's services on this page.

What type of project can support you in?

The agency supports job-creating investment projects. The nature of projects varies according to 3 main categories:
  • Start-up projects
  • Expansion of existing sites in the region
  • takeovers of regional businesses by international companies.
Nord France Invest's services are not aimed at capital investments.
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HomeNewsLogistics : The direct impact of Brexit on businesses

Logistics : The direct impact

of Brexit on businesses

Exports from the UK to customers in the EU have come under pressure since the UK officially exited the EU’s single market and customs union. This is largely a consequence of new controls and procedures that have come into force recently, which lead to transport delays and rising shipping costs. This raises important questions about how companies will adapt to this new situation, and how UK supply chains will restructure.
Date de publication Published on 02.07.2024
Nord France Invest

Saturated Market
and logistics opportunities

Companies and traders in the EU and the UK are confronted with an unprecedented increase in red tape and restrictions to this crucial trading relationship. Although the current disruptions in the flow of goods and services are far from unexpected, companies have no choice but to adapt.

They need to invest in developing their distribution networks within the EU, but it can be a challenging task. The consequence is that European territories are overloaded with British companies’ supply chain demands. UK businesses need long-term solutions to cope with the effects of Brexit, although it can lead to a saturation in property availability and workforce capacity.

But there are still some strategic areas in Europe which offer good business opportunities for British companies. The Hauts-de-France region, for example, has a wide range of latest-generation warehouses, large land reserves and an abundant and specialised workforce for logistics which have been attracting numerous British companies.

The impact of Brexit
on EU supply chains

The logistics industry undergoing important changes as a result of Brexit, for retailers as well as logistics companies overall. This comes in addition to structural challenges for companies, with mounting pressure to reduce delivery time, shrink the environmental impact, be more flexible and control last-mile supply chain.

Key figures about cross-Channel trade after Brexit

Many companies have successfully adapted to a post-Brexit world, great! But many other are still experiencing issues.

Researchers from the University of Aston that the exit of the UK from the EU has caused a 23% decrease in exports in the first 15 months (source: Les Echos). It also points out a 42% drop in the number of product lines exported, which has “serious implications for the UK’s future export capacity and productivity”. They also indicate in that study that exporters have just given up on accessing the EU.

The European Union, the United Kingdom’s main economic partner

The European Union will remain the UK’s largest trading partner in the foreseeable future, with its 450 million consumers. In 2019 the UK exported £294bn worth of goods and services to the EU, according to official statistics, representing 43% of British trade. Whatever government efforts to diversify export markets will take a lot of time before they materialise, a long transition period during which EU markets will remain crucial for UK companies.

Distribution to the European market from within the European Union

It is becoming increasingly clear for UK companies that setting up a company in the EU is probably the easiest solution for British companies to allow them to manage their supply chain in a timely and efficient manner. By distributing to customers from within the EU, UK companies’ export to the EU would be treated as a B2B operation, and therefore allow them to avoid additional taxes and tariffs, although they would still have to fulfil customs procedures and submit to controls where relevant.

Localization strategy
amid an expanding warehousing market

Ideally located for logistics flows and every kind of transport management, Hauts-de-France has a number of competitive advantages.

Market access boosted by a strategic

Setting up in the North of France opens up many opportunities for business development. Thanks to our strategic position, an investment here gives you quick access to your existing and future customers in the region, across France, throughout Europe and worldwide.

Access to a prosperous market within a 300 km radius:

  • 78 million consumers
  • among the richest in Europe

Strategic position:

  • A strategic position at the heart of six greatly influential cities: London, Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Köln and Luxembourg within half a day’s truck drive.
  • The only region in France that borders Greater Paris and also has sea access and an international border.

Hauts-de-France: a land of supply chain infrastructures expertise

Hauts-de-France is a prominent logistics hub for all of Europe with its strategic location and exceptional transport infrastructures, which allow for efficient circulation of staff and goods while optimising delivery time.

Because we’re right on the English Channel, Hauts-de-France is a particularly strategic site for trade with Britain. Supply chain to and from the UK by road, rail or sea are highly likely to go through our region.

Optimise your shipping costs and maintain full control of your supply chain operations with a wide variety of transport modes, including:

🚚​ Road
Road transport is still extremely popular with the logistics industry, and our outstanding highway system gives you direct access to major European corridors. 12 highways run through Hauts-de-France, at the centre of a crossroads linking Paris, Brussels and London.

Our major ports – Calais, Boulogne and Dunkirk – constitute a genuinely international infrastructure that can provide you with efficient and timely access to not only Southern European and world markets.

The region accounts for 10% of France’s total rail network. In particular, Dunkirk is France’s no. 1 rail freight hub, handling 13 million tonnes a year, or 11% of the national total.

And of course there are also ✈️ air connections and 🛥️ inland waterway transport.

40,000m² HQE logistics warehouse

Source : EY / NFI 2020

Competitive property costs for your storage

🔎 Compare real estate prices in different European cities

The Hauts-de-France region represents 18% of French logistics and industrial real estate demand, with 584,500sq.m of demand placed in 2023 (source: EOL). The most significant thing about the region is its development potential with 2.6 million sq.m to be built linked to a clearly favourable reception from local authorities who are releasing land. With 667,900sq.m on December 31, 2023, the region’s undeveloped supply accounts for more than half of all available space in France. These figures place the Hauts-de-France region at the forefront of France’s development potential. (source: EOL, Point Marché – 4th quarter 2023).

The region can count on large warehousing capacities, with both ready-to-use properties and land reserves with carefully controlled costs. For instance, having a 40,000 sq m warehouse in Dunkirk is 1.7 times less expensive than Rotterdam. So why not consider Northern France?

Salaries – Logistics – Order picker

Source : EY / NFI 2020

Available and competitive workforce specialised in supply chain

Hauts-de-France also has a large pool of available workers—over 70,000 jobseekers in logistics—so you can easily find the people you need to launch your operations. This is in stark contrast to labour shortages in many other European regions, in particular, Central and Eastern Europe, which have led to fierce competition for employees.

Northern France not only has a skilled and available workforce but also competitive salaries. For instance, a supply chain’ order picker in Dunkirk would cost 1.75 times less than in Rotterdam.

The example of E-Valley

The entire site has customs approval which means E-valley enables established logisticians to avoid VAT and customs charges for all stored goods until they are re-shipped.

The purpose of Europe’s largest logistics hub is to help e-commerce companies operate as readily as possible.

In addition to this considerable financial benefit, E-Valley offers advantages that are inherent to its geographical location in Hauts-de-France:

  • 700,000 sq m of secure, fully equipped warehouse space in Europe’s biggest e-logistics park, with scalable units starting at 6,000 sq m.
  • Bonded warehousing with deferred customs duties and VAT payments are deferred, allowing rigorous control of the cash flow.
  • Fast access to major European roads: 1h to Lille and 2h to Paris via A1, 1h30 to Brussels and 3h to Köln via A2.
  • Close to Europe’s largest ports (1h30 to Calais via A26, 2h to Antwerp via A2).

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